For Job Seekers and important links

Shoaib Mahmud

Mobile: +88-01767636633

Degree      :  B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE)
University : Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)

Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka.
Period: 1st October, 2018 - Still going on

EEE 404

Power Electronics Sessional

EEE 454

Numerical Methods Sessional

EEE 318

Control System I Sessional

EEE 104

Electrical Circuit II Sessional

EEE 102

Electrical Circuit I Sessional

EEE 300

Electronic Shop Sessional

ARCH 363

Building Services II (Electrical)

Simulation and quantum modeling of nano device, First principles simulation of 2D materials.

Shoaib Mahmud, Tyafur Rahman Pathan and Quazi Deen Mohd Khosru, “Quantum Mechanical Self Consistent Simulation and Analytical Modeling for C-V Characterization of High-K Gate AlInN/AlN/GaN MOS-HEMT Structure Featuring Negative Capacitance In AlInN Layer”, published in IEEE NMDC 2017, Singapore.
