UAP Civil Engineering Career Fest 2024: Bridging Students with Opportunities

The Department of Civil Engineering arranged a day-long Career Fest on 27th April 2024, bringing together students, alumni, and a diverse range of employers with a focus on connecting talent with opportunities across various industries. Over 20 employers from different civil engineering firms from both local and international corporations manned the booths, offering a wide range of opportunities for entry level positions to UAP students. A total of 16 final year students secured jobs in 7 companies through the “Offer letter Handover” session during the fest. The event took place in partnership with the Structural Engineers Ltd (SEL), Ridge Park Holdings, Total Barakah Housing Bd. Ltd, RBCCL and Yaqeen Ltd.

In addition to networking opportunities, the career fest also offered workshops and seminars on topics such as resume writing, interview skills, employer’s expectations, alumni sessions and students’ competitions on public speaking, innovating start up etc. These sessions provided valuable insights for job seekers looking to enhance their prospects in a competitive job market. The Career Fest 2024 proved to be a resounding success with active coordination and engagements of faculty members and volunteers of the Department of Civil Engineering.